Our e-cards 2023 - your motive selection

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„Im Grunde sind es immer die
Verbindungen mit Menschen,
die dem Leben seinen Wert geben.“

Wilhelm von Humboldt

In diesem Sinne danken wir Ihnen herzlich für ein weiteres
Jahr vertrauensvoller Partnerschaft.

Genießen Sie die kommenden Feiertage und verbringen Sie
schöne Stunden im Kreise Ihrer Familie.

Festliche Grüßen
[Name], [Gesellschaft]

Unsere diesjährige Weihnachtsspende geht an den
Verein „Freunde und Förderer des Städtischen
Klinikums Braunschweig e. V. – Kinderkrebsstation“.

„Basically, it is always the connection
with people that gives life its value.“

Wilhelm von Humboldt

With this in mind, we would like to thank you
for another year of trusting partnership.

Enjoy the coming holidays and spend some
quality time with your family.

Festive greetings
[Name], [Company]

Our Christmas donation this year goes to the
association „Freunde und Förderer des Städtischen
Klinikums Braunschweig e. V. – Kinderkrebsstation“.

"SZFG with donation note"

Download now

Download motive

You can download our e-card motives in various languages as MSG file. With this file you can send your selected e-card conveniently via Outlook.

Open the motive in Outlook

Double-click the downloaded MSG file to automatically open it in Microsoft Outlook.

Edit texts individually

In Outlook, you can edit or add to the e-card’s text draft as usual.

Tip for disabling automatic e-mail signatures:
For subsidiaries that have organized e-mail traffic via TELCAT, adding #nosig or even #privat to the beginning of the subject line can prevent your e-mail signature from being automatically attached. First try this out with an e-mail to yourself or contact your IT department.

Tip for sending the e-card:
Add the recipients of the e-card by blind copy (Bcc), if there are multiple recipients, so that the additional email addresses are not visible to the individual recipient.

Send e-card